High degree of adaptability
The Murcian-Granadina breed has a high adaptability due to its origin in the interior of the region of Murcia and Granada mountains where the climate is characterized by very hot and dry summers, with values that exceed 40º, and very cold winters where temperatures below freezing and frost are frequent.
In this way, it presents great adaptability to marginal environments such as semi-desert areas and Mediterranean mountainous areas. Likewise, race is characterized as a key element for the maintenance of the population in rural areas where they are able to take advantage of resources that no other species is able to take advantage of, contributing to the maintenance of the typical landscape of the Mediterranean Levant taking advantage of agricultural byproducts and uncultivable areas and the mountainous landscape of areas of interior where you can not graze any other species due to lack of rainfall and quality of pasture.
All of which makes the Murcian-Granada goat a race with a high rate of transformation with respect to other races, as well as the rusticity of the same that is also very high.