Goat characteristics

It is a race with a clear dairy biotype of elongated and deep trunk with wide chest fused to an equally wide belly, prominent cross and a straight lumbar line that ends in a rump fall with short and erectile tail. His limbs were thin, solid and of medium length, slightly arched on his inner face, holding a voluminous udder. Medium-sized, triangular head with a lively expression, ears of medium and erectile size, the males can present a knob. Light and thin neck in the females, in the males shorter, powerful and well inserted being able to present two symmetrical or none. Features that together make up a goat of elegant and haughty bearing with a great expressiveness in eyes and ears.


They have a layer of color always uniform mahogany or black, their average height in females is 70 cm and in males 77 cm, the weight in females ranges between 40 and 55 kg and in males between 50 and 70 kg. Highlighting their voluminous udders with a wide insertion surface, nipples implanted forward and out, thin skin and without hair. Characteristics that are completed in the breed with its easy milkiness, its null reproductive seasonality, as well as its rusticity and wide capacity of grazing.

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